Russia: Repeat Child Sex Offenders To Be Sent To Penal Colonies In The Arctic For Life

Source: 1/9/22

Russia will begin to change child sex laws later this month by sending repeat child sex offenders to penal colonies in the Artic — for life.

Parliamentary speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin, said, “Those convicted for such crimes should serve life sentences in the harshest conditions — in the extreme north (of Russia) or in mines. These b******s should undergo the hardest labor, so they remember the crimes they committed every day — and regret them.”

Volodin also continued by saying these offenders cannot be called human.

The new law to send offenders to the Arctic is the result of a five-year-old girl’s death.

This week, a five-year-old girl was abducted by a pedophile and his lover who later raped and stabbed her to death.

The little girl, Veronika Nikolayeva, was playing near her mom’s job when a video caught her being taken. She allegedly “struggled and fought back,” but passersby were not made aware and the men took her to their hotel.

Both the men, Denis Gerasimov, 44, and Vadim Belyakov, 24, later confessed to the murder. The suspects are said to have been in a long-term relationship since Belyakov was underage.

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Does this extreme reaction remind you of violent sex crimes that happened in the US, causing hysterical waves of draconian laws that affected even those not convicted of violent crimes?

It shows this emotional extremism against sex offenses happens all over the world.

Well, look on the bright side, my Rusky friends, at least they’re not sending you to the USA, aka the Gulag of the West, after your first offense.

Perfect way to dispose of political dissidents.

I have an idea…how about preventing such offenses way before they occur through societal changes and improvements so time and money isn’t wasted sending people to anywhere. Also there’s this thing called murder, maybe that should be prevented too?

Talk about a Custer’s last stand in a sexual scenario situation. At least American’s have a fighting chance to right a wrong no matter how bland it is

oh now they are just trying to out do each other , you can bet the leaders there go to the same parties our leaders do , so you know they are doing crimes that would send us under prison in a bird cage , so sick of power tripping (leader/criminals) acting like they are some kind of magic moral compass , when in fact they are cold gangster rulers that value enslavement more than all the rich’s at their disposal , makes me look even harder at the people that cheer for them . And we can see them booming countries and saying the children that were killed were just collateral damage and to control or exact more punishment on those that just want to be left alone ,

To be hilarious if the Arctic was more successful than mother Russia. Oh man those mother f’ outcasts got it made.

Sounds like Putin took this one right outta the Stalin playbook here.

So the round up has begun. It sems around 1940 there was a particular government that was targeting and rounding up undesirable people, and that government eventually invaded Russia and caused over a million causalties in one of the most brutal periods in Russian history. Now Russia is immitating that very government. Isn’t there a saying about leraning form history and the past or something like that?

Wow! Sounds like the first step toward concentration camps!!
I wonder when it will catch on here? Oh wait– we already have civil commitment.

Something Russia and the US have in common: the highest homicide rates in the developed world. Sex crime crackdowns are both a symptom of governments with ideologies that promote violence, and a convenient scapegoat for governments unable to solve staggering rates of violent crime.

In the US, the higher the state’s homicide rate is, the more punitive its registry laws are.

How soon will Ron Brooks promote and get a bill passed in Florida to have Florida contract and pay Russia to accept the Florida registrants for the Artic no-release work program?

Russia and Belarus have no law against possession of CP. IPOSP (Incompetent Piece of Shit Politician) chris smith’s big foreign policy agenda has been the democratization of Belarus, how has that gone? Maybe he, and other members of congress who have traveled to Belarus are actually the wolves guarding the hen house. So while smith, along with barack obama and the entire congress who allowed IML to pass without a vote, leave the gates wide open for pervs from these countries to come to the US. In addition, Japan, which only made CP illegal around 2013, still allows fictional cp, such as lolicon and shotacon. Where are the draconian measures to shut our borders to residents of any country without CP laws, they could be coming here for sex tourism and probably are. Proof our government oppresses it’s own citizens while while enabling others in foreign countries for the same crimes.